Even though the majority of our funds come from personal and corporate donations, there is another way you can help us gain the much needed DONTATIONS we rely on for paying the bills of our fellow hunters and their families, just doing what you already do, and it doesn't cost you a dime.
On our Affiliate Products & Services Pages we offer sales of items that we think would be beneficial to our hunting community. These products come from some of the largest retailers in the US and the pricing is no more or less than you would pay had you gone directly to those retailers' websites yourself. But, by using the specially coded links on our website to purchase these and any other items at that retailer's website, you are helping HHH-USA gather much needed funding to do what we do best - help our fellow hunters and their families.
Here's How it Works:
When you use our specially coded links, those links take you to the retailer selling that item as well as several other similar items (maybe of different qualities or selection or brands, etc.). When you make ANY purchase (which could be the initial items shown on our website, or something totally different, even on a different page of that retailer's site), that retailer sends us a percentage of the retail price of the item or items that you purchase.
There are a few dollars we must spend to make this happen, but in the long run, we acquire much needed funding. That money goes into our funding pot to help us pay for utility bills, mortgage payments, medical expenses, or whatever one of our qualified receivers are needing due to their misfortune.
REMEMBER: You never pay anything over the posted retail price - the retail price is never altered. But by using our specially coded links, you're helping Hunters Helping Hunters USA to help others.
But, here's some even better news: If you buy something unrelated to the original items we have chosen to display on our website, while you're on their site, and even for several days later if you return, a percentage of whatever you purchase goes towards HHH-USA gaining additional funds. The retailer thanks us for sending you to them to purchase those items by sending us money, and we thank you for using us each time you want to go there to purchase ANYTHING!
This method has been around for over 25-years on the Internet, and is called Affiliate or Partnership Marketing - in essence, it is what retailers now call the new version of "Word-of Mouth Advertising", which has been around hundreds of years.
So, give it a try and feel good about helping other people just by using our links! By the way - you can also help us by copying our links and sending them to your friends and family members. Or, just have them come to our website and use them directly.
Visit Our Affiliate Products & Services Page