Board Chairman
Ken Zeringue, TX
Over my 25+ years as a professional counselor, a mentor, a non-profit organization’s Board Chairman and President, a public speaker, rehabilitation and job specialist, a caseworker, a communications specialist, and a financial and insurance advisor, Ken's common theme has been to help others.
With a Bachelors & Masters in Rehabilitation Science & Counseling, and having worked with 3 non-profits and the criminal justice space throughout his career, he has had the opportunity of helping individuals and families facing some of the most challenging circumstances.
With his involvement with Hunters Helping Hunters, USA, he has watched first-hand how even a small non-profit, designed to help hunters and their families get through tough times can make an impact on more than just the immediate family involved.
Board Vice President & Director of Assistance
Mike Bell, GA
Mike Bell has lived the outdoor life since he was a child. As a young boy running the hills of Maryland and Virginia, he understood the importance and value of conservation. After graduating with an Associates in Gunsmithing from Trinidad State, he went straight into gun-smithing at Maryland Gun Works in 1994 where he continues today as a CNC machine operator.
While sharing his passion for the outdoors with others, he was introduced to Hunters Helping Hunters USA. A hunter in need was the same as a friend or family member in need and he knew he wanted to be a part of this great organization.
Mike joined HHH-USA not long after it was founded and had begun to help hunters in need. As they grew, a call went out for volunteers to help on committees. After joining the Assistance committee, and working several applications, a new Director was needed, and Mike was voted in where he still sits today as well as helping on the Board of Directors as Vice President.
Board Secretary/Treasurer
Sean Salvarezza, CT
Sean discovered Hunters Helping Hunters USA in 2002 at the same time his father was fighting a losing battle with cancer. That experience motivated him to help other hunting families in similar situations. He currently serves as Secretary & Treasurer of HHH-USA.
Sean has been hunting and fishing since he was old enough to follow his father and grandfather around the woods. When not hunting or chasing his bird dog, Sean is a corporate attorney, specializing in contracts and commercial transactions.
Board Member - Thorman Warren, KY
Board Member - Dave Howard, MD
Board Member - Ron Poston, TX
Danny Baize, Jerry Briggs, Rod Chaney, Johnny Cochran, Jeff Connell, Gordon Countryman, Dennis Defrese, Kirk Gardner, Darren Gibson, Shawn Haley, Ed Hand, Ben Hedstrom, Dave Howard, Steve Knight, Rick Kube, Ken Lind, John MacEwan, Shane Merrill, Ken Moore, Carter Northcutt, Tim Reeder, Marland G. Sample, Sean G. Tierney, Jim Towns, Daniel L Trump, Sr., Jim Vicks, Thorman Warren, Dustin A. White, Nick Wiggard, Ken Zeringue.