Official Hunters Helping Hunters USA (HHH-USA) Banner

Who is Hunters Helping Hunters USA (HHH-USA)

Who is Hunters Helping Hunters USA?

Formerly Hunters Helping Hunters, Inc., today's Hunters Helping Hunters-USA, Inc. (HHH-USA) is a 501 (c) (3) charitable corporation that assists hunting families in the United States that have had an interruption in the family structure or support. 

Founded by fellow hunters and outdoorsmen from across the country, our mission is to help ease the unexpected financial burden caused by such interruptions so that our recipients can concentrate on the most important things in their lives….their families.

How HHH-USA Raises Funds

How Does HHH-USA Raise Funds?

HHH-USA has various fund-raising events each year and accepts individual and corporate tax-deductible donations. 

If you’re interested in donating to or volunteering for Hunters Helping Hunters USA, please consider one of these methods:

      Visit our Zazzle Store

How Donations Are Distributed through HHH-USA?

How Does HHH-USA Distribute Donations?

Proceeds from fund-raising events and charitable donations are awarded applicants who demonstrate financial need. HHH-USA directly pays the creditors of awarded applicants. HHH-USA may also provide other assistance to applicants as applicable. 

HHH-USA does NOT make direct grants of cash directly to applicants. Grants are awarded at the discretion of HHH-USA. A small percentage of donations may also go toward ongoing business expenses of HHH-USA, such as advertising, marketing, website maintenance, administrative fees, and other minor expenses and fees.

By the way:

We neither pay nor take salaries or other payments for our efforts!

Who Decides How Funds Are Distributed through HHH-USA?

Who Decides How Funds Are Disbursed?

The ALL Volunteer HHH-USA Board of Directors reviews applications for assistance and supporting documentation provided by applicants. The Board of Directors votes on whether or not to approve the application and the amount of the grant.

Who Established Hunters Helping Hunters USA and When?

Who Established HHH-USA and When?

Started by a small group of dedicated volunteers from across the country who felt the need to help their fellow hunters, HHH-USA officially was incorporated in October 2001 and began active business in February 2002. For more, see our:

 Mission & History Pages 

Want the Help HHH-USA? Get Involved and help a Hunter or a Hunter's Family Through Tough Times

How Can You Get Involved With HHH-USA?

By believing in our mission and by being willing to donate time, knowledge, money, or whatever you can spare, on a part-time / some-time basis.

Location, age, education, gender, income-level, career-type - none of these factors matter. We are looking for others who care about their fellow neighbors, co-workers, friends, and others who hunt and have been met with some type of difficult situation causing financial hardship. 
Please  Contact HHH-USA  if interested.

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